Search Engine Optimization is a process that orients towards optimizing a website to be readily available online. Its main work is to provide a higher ranking to the websites in the Search engines like that of Google. It will increase the traffic ( audience approach) on the website and improve the sale of the company. It sounds like an easy thing to do but the process involves expert knowledge and understanding, and also requires staying up to date with Google’s updates and market trends. Not every business owner can spend time on acquiring this knowledge and that’s where SEO companies step in. However, the main work of SEO is to increase the visibility of the client company.
But with time, the organic job has grown more branches to provide better services to the companies. With the shift in time, everything has gone online, and the audience is well informed and thoughtful of what they want and how to get it. So it becomes even more challenging for the SEO companies to work for the ranking and depend on other people for the rest of the work like content creation, web designing, etc. That’s why most SEO company in Delhi and specifically the SEO companies in Delhi have taken all the responsibilities on their shoulders. SEO companies now have multiple branches of work to do like:
Web Designing
Table of Contents

Just creating visibility isn’t enough for an online store. It might drive the audience in, but holding on to the visitors would only happen when the website is built correctly. The first impression that the website puts up helps not to let the audience drop out of the page. Many SEO companies work on website development because they know how to traffic in customers and make them stay. Moreover, the business pages created on any website have to be according to keyword research conducted by the SEO team and thus the whole process comes to be in synchronization.
Custom Software development

This is to design, create, and maintain software necessary for a particular company. Every company has a different working field. So having software developed that works the best for that specific company is equally important to get a proper positioning of the company on the search engine page. And with the recent boom in the demand for Software-as-a-Service, the need for custom software cannot be overemphasized. Some of the SEO company in Delhi take care of that too for their clients.
Email Marketing

When a visitor enters your page, you are not supposed to let them get all the info of your website straight and then allow them to walk out. What if they never return? To fix this, SEO does for a page or a website because it creates an online survey page. Here the visitor has to put in their email and answer a few questions. The strategy behind this is even if the visitor does not return, the company has their email to contact them, which is Email Marketing. Using email to send them offers, new arrivals of your store might catch the audience even more, and they might come back searching for the particular website, ultimately ranking them higher on the SEM list. SEO company in Delhi have this under their branch of work as well.
Content Marketing

Because SEO companies rule the entire market, they know what kind of content is running and trending. They have an idea of how certain websites fail to attract customers and rank higher because they don’t generate content in a conversation. So the SEO companies make sure to use proper key tags and meta tags and create content that is in trend and create conversation topics for their client companies around that. That increases their chances of being readily available online.
Social Media Marketing/ Advertising

People don’t always hover around search engines. But a massive population cannot do without scrolling through social media platforms. So, losing no opportunity to stay in front of the audience’s eyes, some SEO companies also provide their clients with the opportunity to add their links to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon. Understanding human psychology, SEO companies know that people tend to remember what they see rather than read. So, a constant appearance of the advertisements will drive the audience into the website.
Screen Convenience
No matter what you do, you have your phone running for almost half of the day. Well, in that case, most of the informative materials reach you by your phone. So the websites need to be screen-friendly to open appropriately on the phone as well. SEO makes sure that there’s no problem with the website if one visits it through the phone, so people do not have to return dissatisfied with the troubleshooting on the small screen.
So, the older notion of SEO companies working just for search optimization no longer prevails after the idea of multitasking swept the SEO companies to different heights.