People also search for

People also search for (PASF) which is an SEO plan to get a ranking with multiple keywords. So, today in this article I am going to tell you about the people also search for type of keywords. Read the whole article carefully. Hopefully, this article will be informative for you.

What is meant by People also search for?

PASF or people also search for means that these are those keywords that most SEO experts want to rank for. These are also known as generic keywords. Genetic keywords are not our focus keywords but these are those keywords that people generally target to search for their required thing. SEO experts recommend using these keywords to use in the content to get ranking. Because most of the time tools don’t tell us the search volume. So, many people just ignore those keywords and don’t use them for ranking. But if we think wisely, the tool is just a tool and it will not be capable of telling you the exact search volume. So, as per your thinking, you should try to find out those keywords that are appearing in the searches of some people. You can really get pure organic search traffic on those keywords.

How to find People also search for keywords?

Well, it is not really difficult to find genetic keywords. I will tell you some steps. You just need to follow them:

  • Find your niche and the topic on which you want to write your content.
  • Then find out your focus keyword. Your focus keyword should have high search volume and low keyword difficulty.
  • Now search your focus keyword on Google. Scroll down you will see at the bottom the “People also search for” section. In this section, you will some keyword suggestions. These are basically Google search suggestions and many people also search these keywords.
  • Now congratulations! You have found your focus keyword and as well as genetic keywords. Use all these keywords in your content. You will see handsome traffic will generate on your website.

Importance of genetic keywords:

No doubt genetic keywords don’t have high search volumes. But just think! What if you could not rank for your focus keyword? So, it is clear traffic will not appear on your website. So, to get the traffic it is necessary to use genetic keywords in your content or in your website. Well if you have a business-related website. So, you will definitely want to create awareness of your business to get more traffic. So, you should not miss any kind of opportunity to get traffic on your website. So, must use genetic keywords. According to SEO experts, genetic keywords are the best way to get pure organic visitors to your website. So, in this, you will pure niche-related visitors for your business website.


Well to get more and more traffic is the demand of everyone. So, proper use of keywords always matters. Using genetic keywords in your content will be very fruitful for your website. So, I hope after reading this article you will understand the “People also search for” and what its is it6s importance?

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By Aamer Khan Lodhi

Top-Rated Freelancer, Digital Marketer, Blogger, SEO, Link Builder

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