75 Hard ChallengeThe 75 Hard Challenge: What You Need To Know


Have you heard about the 75 Hard Challenge? It’s a 75-day mental and physical transformation challenge that promises to push you beyond your limits and help you develop new habits. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the 75 Hard Challenge, its rules, benefits, and how you can successfully complete it.

What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge was created by Andy Frisella, a successful entrepreneur, and podcaster. It’s a 75-day challenge that requires you to follow a strict set of rules. Here are the rules of the 75 Hard Challenge:

  • Follow a diet – any diet of your choice, as long as you stick to it for the entire 75 days.
  • Drink one gallon of water per day.
  • Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each – one workout must be outside, regardless of the weather.
  • Read 10 pages of non-fiction or self-improvement books per day.
  • Take a progress photo every day.
  • No cheat meals or alcohol allowed.
  • If you fail to complete any of the tasks, you must start from day one.

Preparing for the Challenge

Preparing for the Challenge is crucial if you want to successfully complete the 75 Hard Challenge. Start by selecting a diet that suits your lifestyle and goals. Whether it’s keto, paleo, or vegan, make sure you stick to it for the entire 75 days. Next, plan your workouts, both indoors and outdoors. Incorporate exercises that challenge your body and push you out of your comfort zone. Make a list of non-fiction or self-improvement books that you want to read during the challenge. Lastly, find an accountability partner who can keep you motivated and on track. With proper preparation, you can conquer the 75 Hard Challenge.

Benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge

The 75 Hard Challenge promises to transform not just your body, but also your mind. Here are some benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge:

  • Improved mental toughness – the challenge forces you to push past your limits and develop resilience.
  • Increased self-discipline – the strict rules of the challenge help you develop a habit of discipline.
  • Better physical fitness – the combination of diet and exercise will help you get in shape.
  • Increased focus – reading and taking progress photos daily will help you stay focused on your goals.

Starting the Challenge

Starting the 75 Hard Challenge can be daunting, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can successfully complete it. Begin by setting realistic goals and creating a plan for your diet, workouts, and reading. Choose a workout routine that challenges you but is also sustainable for the full 75 days. Create a meal plan that aligns with your chosen diet and make sure to stock up on healthy foods. And don’t forget to choose a book or two to read that will help you with personal development. With a clear plan and a determined mindset, you can conquer the 75 Hard Challenge.

Tips for Successfully Completing the 75 Hard Challenge

Here are some tips to help you successfully complete the 75 Hard Challenge:

  • Plan ahead – make sure you have a diet plan, workout routine, and a list of books to read before you start the challenge.
  • Take progress photos at the same time every day – this will help you track your progress better.
  • Drink water throughout the day – carrying a water bottle with you can help you stay on track with your water intake.
  • Find an accountability partner – having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay motivated.
  • Stick to the rules – if you cheat, you have to start from day one.

Importance of nutrition in the 75 Hard Challenge

Nutrition plays a critical role in the 75 Hard Challenge. Following a healthy diet plan is essential to fuel your body for the intense workouts and daily tasks required during the challenge. Your body needs the right balance of macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to perform at its best. Additionally, eating nutrient-dense foods can help boost your energy levels, improve mental clarity, and aid in recovery after workouts. It’s crucial to plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you’re getting enough calories to support your body during the challenge. Don’t underestimate the importance of proper nutrition in the 75 Hard Challenge.

Importance of exercise in the 75 Hard Challenge

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in the 75 Hard Challenge. In fact, one of the rules of the challenge is to exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each, and one workout must be outside, regardless of the weather. Exercise not only helps you get in shape but also boosts your mental toughness and resilience. It releases endorphins that can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. By incorporating exercise into your daily routine, you can build a habit of discipline and push yourself beyond your limits. So, make sure to prioritize exercise in the 75 Hard Challenge and watch as it transforms not just your body, but also your mind.

Importance of mental toughness in the 75 Hard Challenge

Mental toughness is crucial when it comes to completing the 75 Hard Challenge. This challenge pushes you beyond your limits and requires a lot of discipline and determination. Developing mental toughness helps you overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals, even when things get tough. During the 75 Hard Challenge, you will face physical and mental challenges, such as exhaustion, hunger, and the temptation to cheat. However, with mental toughness, you can overcome these challenges and stay on track. To develop mental toughness, it’s important to set small goals, practice positive self-talk, and visualize success. With mental toughness, you can successfully complete the 75 Hard Challenge and achieve your goals.

Importance of Sleep in the 75 Hard Challenge

Getting enough sleep is a crucial part of the 75 Hard Challenge. Adequate rest allows your body to recover and rebuild after your workouts and helps your mind stay sharp and focused throughout the day. Without enough sleep, you may find it difficult to maintain the discipline and mental toughness required to complete the challenge. To ensure you get enough rest, make sure to prioritize sleep and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Avoiding caffeine and other stimulants in the evening can also help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep in the 75 Hard Challenge.

Importance of tracking progress in the 75 Hard Challenge

Tracking progress is an essential aspect of the 75 Hard Challenge. By monitoring your progress, you can identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your approach accordingly. Regularly taking progress photos, tracking your water intake, and logging your workouts and diet can help you stay on track and motivated. Moreover, tracking progress allows you to see how far you’ve come and provides a sense of accomplishment that can keep you going. Don’t underestimate the power of tracking progress in the 75 Hard Challenge. It can make a significant difference in your journey towards mental and physical transformation.

Strategies for maintaining progress after the challenge

Once you’ve completed the 75 Hard Challenge, it’s important to maintain the progress you’ve made. Here are some strategies to help you do just that. Firstly, continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will help you maintain your physical fitness and prevent you from sliding back into old habits. Secondly, set new goals for yourself to continue pushing yourself forward. Whether it’s running a 5K or mastering a new skill, having new goals to work towards will keep you motivated. Lastly, find a support system to hold you accountable and provide encouragement. With these strategies in place, you can continue to make progress long after completing the 75 Hard Challenge.

Risks and limitations of the 75 Hard Challenge

The 75 Hard Challenge may sound like an exciting challenge to take on, but it’s not without risks and limitations. One of the biggest risks of the challenge is the potential for injury. Exercising twice a day for 45 minutes each can be strenuous, especially for those who are not used to it. Additionally, sticking to a strict diet for 75 days can lead to nutritional deficiencies if the diet is not properly planned. It’s also important to note that the challenge may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before taking on the 75 Hard Challenge.

Benefits and impact of the challenge on their lives

The 75 Hard Challenge has had a significant impact on the lives of many people who have completed it. The challenge has been shown to improve mental toughness, self-discipline, and physical fitness. Participants have reported feeling more focused and motivated, with a greater sense of purpose and direction in their lives. The daily reading requirement has also had a positive impact on participants, with many reporting an increased desire for personal growth and development. Overall, the 75 Hard Challenge has been a transformative experience for those who have taken it on, leading to lasting changes in their lives.

Common Criticisms of the 75 Hard Challenge

While the 75 Hard Challenge has gained popularity in recent years, it’s not without its criticisms. Some people argue that the challenge promotes an unhealthy obsession with fitness and can lead to burnout or injury. Others criticize the lack of flexibility in the rules, which can make it difficult for people with busy schedules or medical conditions to participate. Additionally, some experts caution that the challenge may not be sustainable as a long-term lifestyle change. However, supporters of the 75 Hard Challenge argue that it can be a powerful tool for building mental and physical resilience and that strict rules are necessary to achieve lasting results.

Overview of alternative challenges

If the 75 Hard Challenge seems too intense for you, there are several alternative challenges that you can consider. One option is the 30-Day Challenge, which is a shorter version of the 75 Hard Challenge that focuses on developing a habit over a month. Another alternative is the Couch to 5K Challenge, which is a beginner-friendly running program that aims to get you from the couch to running a 5K in just nine weeks. The Whole30 Challenge is also a popular option that focuses on clean eating and eliminating certain foods from your diet for 30 days. Whatever challenge you choose, make sure it aligns with your goals and abilities.


The 75 Hard Challenge is not for everyone, but it can be a life-changing experience for those who complete it. It’s a challenge that requires mental and physical toughness, self-discipline, and resilience. If you’re up for the challenge, make sure to plan ahead, stay focused, and stick to the rules. Remember, the 75 Hard Challenge is not just about transforming your body, but also about transforming your mind. Are you ready to take on the challenge?


What happens if I miss a day during the 75 Hard Challenge?

You must start the challenge over from day one if you miss a day during the 75 Hard Challenge.

Can I modify the rules of the challenge to better suit my needs?

No, the rules of the challenge are set and cannot be modified to suit individual needs.

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