
A dissertation is a scientific discovery of value to the national economy as a whole. The dissertation is the quintessence of your scientific work, containing the statement of the problem, justification of the relevance of the research, analysis of publications of other scientists on related topics, description of the research conducted, and the results achieved by the author in the course of it. Working on a dissertation is quite a time-consuming process, but it is worth it if you do what you love and scientific research is interesting to you, but if it`s just taking you the time you can easily use dissertation help and save your own time. Despite the fact that the thesis is fundamental research, its most important part – the description of the practical application of the results achieved and the forms of their use in the national economy

The plan of work on the dissertation consists of the following stages:

Choosing a research topic

This is an important stage, as you will be publishing the results of your research in journals and presenting them at conferences. If your research topic changes frequently, you may not have time to publish enough research papers to qualify for legal defense. Your thesis topic may be refined, but the direction of your research should not change dramatically.

Selecting a Specialty and Considering Possible Boards to Submit a Dissertation

This is necessary because work on your dissertation must be focused on achieving the scientific results prescribed in the passport of the corresponding specialty. If your scientific results do not correspond to the passport of the specialty, the dissertation will not be allowed for defense. Sometimes dissertations are defended at the junction of scientific specialties, i.e. simultaneously in two specialties. To conduct a defense in this way it is necessary to have at least three PhDs in one and the other specialty. These formal requirements create some inconvenience in the work of the Council, which can be perceived unfavorably. In addition, during the defense, you will have to defend two scientific specialties and answer an increased number of questions of the Board members.

The next step is to determine what your dissertation plan will be. It usually consists of three chapters, an introduction, a conclusion, and a list of references.

Analysis of the literature and dissertation research performed within the framework of your chosen topic

A literature analysis is a review of materials on the chosen topic, setting problems and characterizing gaps in scientific knowledge, as well as an analysis of the tools used: research methods, applied principles, mechanisms, etc. The deeper the analysis of scientific knowledge in the investigated field is made, the easier it is to build the work on the dissertation afterward. Very often it happens that a researcher, who has been engaged for a long time in solving a particular problem in the relevant field of knowledge, proposes ways to solve it and it turns out that something similar has already been done several years ago by another scientist. To avoid such disappointments, a thorough review of the literature, from the ancestors of the theory you are studying to the contemporaries of the dissertations around you, is essential.

Setting Research Goals and Objectives

After the problems in the field of research are identified, it is necessary to formulate directions for their solution, which will constitute the goals and objectives of the thesis. The correct formulation of goals and objectives gives a clear idea of the plan for further actions of the scientist. They should be well thought out and reflect the scientific results that you expect to obtain at the end of the study. For example: “determine the criteria for the effectiveness of the financial strategy of the enterprise”, and “build an economic-mathematical model that simulates the activities of the enterprise”.

Definition of planned scientific results

Scientific results on economic specialties are a classification of something, clarification, and formulation of the definition of a new concept, introduction by the scientist into circulation, and development of principles, models, and mechanisms. Having a clear idea of the desired result, is much easier to achieve than looking for a result in complete ignorance of what you want to get. Full information about the results of the research that should be in your thesis is available in the passport of the specialty, so it is necessary to coordinate your desires with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Writing your dissertation

Once you have an idea of what you plan to contribute to each chapter and what the output will be, all you have to do is work and put your research ideas into practice. Don’t forget about accountability and the need to coordinate your every move with your thesis advisor, because in the end, it is he who decides whether you are ready for the defense or not. In addition, you need to keep him or she informed about how your dissertation is being written.

This stage is the most psychologically demanding for the dissertation writer, as it requires constant focus and the need to allocate 3 to 8 hours a day to work on the dissertation. But with proper time management and self-organization, you will cope with all the difficulties.

Dissertation polishing. Writing the thesis abstract.

When your dissertation is fully completed, your work on it is far from finished. First, it may happen that in practice tests you get different results than you planned, then it turns out that your theory is untenable or you need to change it to reflect the results that actually came out. Secondly, the work on your dissertation stretches over time, so it may turn out that the beliefs you held a couple of years ago have already changed today, and have changed your vision of the problem at hand. If you have not encountered such situations, then surely something will need to be changed at the request of your thesis advisor, then at the request of your opponent, who will also read your thesis, etc. Grinding is the building up of the logical structure of the dissertation and coordinating your scientific ideas with the comments of knowledgeable scientists.

Submitting your dissertation to the Board

Work on your dissertation can be considered complete when your thesis advisor has allowed you to present your dissertation to the department pre-defense, and a decision has been made that the dissertation can be submitted to the Board. This is the final step in the idea of how to write a Ph.D. dissertation.

By Aamer Khan Lodhi

Top-Rated Freelancer, Digital Marketer, Blogger, SEO, Link Builder

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